Determination and Opportunity: Aisha’s Journey With MogaBits

Aisha's story is one of determination and courage. Growing up in Mogadishu, she had always dreamed of a career in graphics design but was unable to pursue it due to the expensive services around the city. But when she heard of the MogaBits 2022 cohort, she knew it was her chance to pursue her dream. “After high school I wanted to do something with computers. I believed it was a good choice because these days if you have technological skills then you can do anything. But most of the places that offering courses for graphics design in Mogadishu were very expensive and we could not afford them. But one day I saw an advertisement on Facebook for MogaBits, and I could not believe that there was such a place offering the course for free, so I applied.”

I felt like I had been doing graphics designing and video editing all my life, it was so natural. When you learn something and become good at it, it gives you confidence that is unimaginable.
— Aisha Abdiweli

Even after applying, Aisha says she still had some level of uncertainty. “At first, I was apprehensive about my ability to keep up with the course, yet I ultimately found the courage to push forward as I understood that this training may be the key to my success.”

Despite having no prior knowledge in design, Aisha joined the program and learned everything from scratch. “I was in a computer course with no prior knowledge, so I was able to learn from the beginning just like everyone else. After the first class, I took it upon myself to do additional research and learning. The instructors were incredibly helpful and patient; they were a major factor in my progress.”

 After graduating from the MogaBits Academy, Aisha was placed in a two-month internship where she was able to use her newfound skills every day. However, Aisha credits confidence as the most valuable skill she gained from her graphics design program. “During the internship, I felt like I had been doing graphics designing and video editing all my life, it was so natural. When you learn something and become good at it, it gives you confidence that is unimaginable.”

Despite the internship ending and currently not being employed, Aisha is confident that when the right job comes she will excel in the field.

Today, she is capable of editing videos for her friends for a small price and believes that the skills she gained at MogaBits will give her the chance to become self-employed in today's technological world. Her story is one of resilience and hope, proving that with the right opportunity, anything is possible.


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