Empowering Dreams: Abdinoor and Muna’s and Journey at HargaBits 

In the vibrant city of Hargeisa, two enterprising individuals are forging their paths to success by taking advantage of the transformative opportunities offered by HargaBits. Meet Muna Abdi Adan, a creative soul who is passionate about digital design and the endless possibilities it offers, and Abdinoor Mohamed a driven entrepreneur who is motivated by his dreams of success. Their stories are intertwined, each one inspiring and motivating, exemplifying the immense power of education and skill development in shaping a fruitful and prosperous future.

Ten years from now, I see myself having made great progress and strides in the digital marketing profession here in Somaliland
— Muna Abdi Adan

Two individuals with distinct dreams and backgrounds

Despite their differences, Muna and Abdinoor both found a welcoming and supportive community at HargaBits, where they were able to nurture their talents and pursue their passions. As they reflect on their experiences, their unique stories intertwine to create a captivating tapestry of personal growth, unwavering perseverance, and an unshakeable determination to succeed. Their journey at HargaBits has been nothing short of remarkable, and it is a testament to the transformative power of a supportive community.

Muna's journey into the design world began with a spark of curiosity and a strong desire to expand her skill set. She recalls that her time at HargaBits has been instrumental in enhancing her knowledge of computers and digital design. Her journey was marked by a significant discovery - Canva, a creative tool that has become her go-to platform. She describes Canva as her creative sanctuary; a space where she can bring her design ideas to life with ease. "Canva really is a great application” she enthuses.

On the other hand, for Abdinoor it was his unwavering passion for entrepreneurship and digital innovation that led him to pursue his dreams by joining HargaBits. "I knew I could not let this opportunity pass me by," Abdinoor recalls. His journey was fueled by the desire to create his own agency and provide unparalleled digital services in Somaliland. HargaBits provided him with not only technical skills but also the confidence to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations. Now, Abdinoor is more determined than ever to make his vision a reality and create a lasting impact in the digital landscape of his community.

Both Muna and Abdinoor found unwavering support and guidance from the dedicated staff at HargaBits. "I received support from all sides," Abdinoor acknowledges, highlighting the pivotal role of mentorship and encouragement in his journey. Muna echoes this sentiment, emphasizing the invaluable support she received in honing her skills and overcoming challenges.

Muna Abdi Adan


Abdinoor Mohamed

To create my own agency and offer the best services in Somaliland
— Abdinoor Mohamed

New beginnings

As Muna and Abdinoor approach the end of their HargaBits journey, they find themselves standing at the threshold of a new chapter in their lives. For Muna, her dedication to mastering digital design has opened up a world of creative possibilities. “I’m sure I have enough to start working on my own now,” she declares. With a sense of excitement and eagerness, she looks forward to embarking on a journey that promises to be both fulfilling and rewarding.

Similarly, Abdinoor's aspirations extend far beyond the confines of a classroom. "To create my own agency and offer the best services in Somaliland," Abdinoor envisions, embodying the spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation instilled by HargaBits. His journey is a testament to the boundless potential unlocked through education and determination.


Muna and Abdinoor are among the sixty students who have benefitted from the Horumarinta Cilmiga IV project, an initiative brought to life through the collaborative efforts of Care and Save the Children at HargaBits. This project is aimed at transforming the educational landscape in Somaliland by fostering a system that is inclusive, cohesive, and conducive to empowering Somali youth.

Over the past seven years, HargaBits has been a revelation for Muna, Abdinoor, and many others, introducing them to far more than just fundamental digital competencies. It has emerged as a crucial hub for fostering profound relationships, revealing hidden interests, and diving deep into the limitless opportunities afforded by the digital world. As they advance into their futures, they are primed to make a significant mark on Somaliland's digital landscape, armed with the unique insights and aspirations ignited during their life-changing stint at HargaBits.


European Humanitarian Forum 2024


LEAD Program: Pioneering Change and Empowering Somali Youth