Fighting Covid-19
Covid-19 Information Campaign
Shaqodoon implemented an information campaign alongside the launch of two call centers in response to the Covid-19 pandemic - one in Puntland and one in Somaliland. The call centers provided interactive access to the tools required to curb the spread of the virus, while the information campaign worked to proactively curb community spread.
Covid-19 News and Updates
Informational Video Campaign
We are committed to making sure that up-to-date information about the Covid-19 pandemic reaches all Somalis. In addition to print and billboard communications, we produced and distributed the following videos:
Protect yourself, your family, and your community.
Covid-19 Information Campaign - Somali Language
Covid-19 Information Campaign - Somali Language
Covid-19 Information Campaign - Somali Language
Covid-19 Short Story. Coronavirus is not a hoax. Stay Safe!
Covid-19 Information Campaign - Somali Language
Covid-19 Information Campaign - Somali Language
In addition to a wide-reaching information campaign, Shaqodoon established call centers aimed at reducing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Somaliland and Puntland.
Informational Print Campaign
COVID-19 Posters, Somaliland - The information dissemination program geared at fighting misinformation and encouraging safe community interactions, while directing people to call the COVID-19 call center as needed.