Explore Our Projects
Skills and Job Creation
Providing the necessary knowledge and skills for women & youth to secure decent employment, improve their livelihoods, and increase their employability.
Technology & Innovation
Leverage technology to create flexible investment mechanisms that build local and regional collaboration, innovation hubs, innovation incubators, and T4D.
Gender and Social Inclusion
Prioritizing the development of skills, capabilities and resources to ensure that everyone in the community has access to equal opportunities and treatment.
MSME Development
A comprehensive initiative to support the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). Creation of job opportunities for women and youth by providing MSMEs with access to resources, support, and financing.
Entrepreneurship Development and Access to Finance
Facilitate access to finance, from both traditional and crowd-funded sources, while providing training and guidance in the development of business plans and strategies.

Working toward a stronger future.
Empowering individuals through Skills Training, Entrepreneurship, Technology & Innovation, and Private Sector Development.
Recent Skills Training Projects
The motorcycle project implemented by Shaqodoon Organization and Oxfam Novib sought to promote safe motorcycle riding practices and improve the efficiency of delivery systems through the use of mobile-based technology, positively impacting the livelihoods of the participants and their families by creating sustainable employment opportunities for them.
The Waaheen Project worked to identify needy businesses, transferred grant funds, and established a dedicated hotline for business support. These activities have had a significant impact on the growth and development of the supported businesses, contributing to the local economy's overall progress.
Build peace and stability in Somalia by improving opportunities for youth to engage in peace-building, skills development, income-generation, entrepreneurship, sports and culture.
Focus on building the entrepreneurial and business skills of the youth in the cross-border area, which are necessary for establishing and running their businesses.
This project cultivated entrepreneurship culture by supporting sustainable youth employment, promoting entrepreneurship education, and engaging youth leading to job creation, economic growth, and youth empowerment.
Supports young people by providing the foundational skills and access to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities that focus on soft skills and providing initial work experience.
Provide ICT training to youth in disadvantaged positions. Establish Bits school in Hargeisa; recruitment and ongoing training of 96 hard to reach and at risk youth from Hargeisa IDP’s communities.
Empower Somaliland youth through strengthened livelihood and employment skills, access to wage and self-employment opportunities and youth network activities.
Use SMS-based platform to connect young people directly with jobs, internships and training opportunities, while around 300 private sector employers will participate in an employment platform.
Recent Entrepreneurship Projects
The motorcycle project implemented by Shaqodoon Organization and Oxfam Novib sought to promote safe motorcycle riding practices and improve the efficiency of delivery systems through the use of mobile-based technology, positively impacting the livelihoods of the participants and their families by creating sustainable employment opportunities for them.
The Waaheen Project worked to identify needy businesses, transferred grant funds, and established a dedicated hotline for business support. These activities have had a significant impact on the growth and development of the supported businesses, contributing to the local economy's overall progress.
Build peace and stability in Somalia by improving opportunities for youth to engage in peace-building, skills development, income-generation, entrepreneurship, sports and culture.
Somali Youth Initiative (SYI) Expanding Opportunities for Somali youth through Entrepreneurship” - also known as “Youth Enterprise Initiative” (YEI).
This project cultivated entrepreneurship culture by supporting sustainable youth employment, promoting entrepreneurship education, and engaging youth leading to job creation, economic growth, and youth empowerment.
Supports young people by providing the foundational skills and access to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities that focus on soft skills and providing initial work experience.
Provide ICT training to youth in disadvantaged positions. Establish Bits school in Hargeisa; recruitment and ongoing training of 96 hard to reach and at risk youth from Hargeisa IDP’s communities.
Empower Somaliland youth through strengthened livelihood and employment skills, access to wage and self-employment opportunities and youth network activities.
Use SMS-based platform to connect young people directly with jobs, internships and training opportunities, while around 300 private sector employers will participate in an employment platform.
Recent Technology and Innovation Projects
The project aims to strengthen preparedness, enhance early action capabilities, and build climate resilience among pastoral, agro-pastoral, and displaced communities. It includes designing effective EWS, implementing anticipatory action plans, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices that improve food security and social cohesion.
This project aims to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable households by focusing on sustainable agricultural practices, better market integration, and enhanced disaster resilience. The initiative includes developing the MDALAG, increasing access to agricultural inputs, and providing training on climate-resilient practices.
The project aims to enhance the resilience of displacement-affected communities in Burao and adjacent locations in Somaliland. The primary goal is to provide durable solutions for internally displaced people (IDP) and host communities by strengthening their ability to manage disasters, improve access to basic services, increase livelihood opportunities, and support social integration.
Through collaboration with women and youth associations, the project seeks to foster leadership skills and engagement in addressing inter-communal tensions, enhancing mutual understanding, and promoting peaceful coexistence.
Contribute to the resilience vulnerable Somali people, through enhanced food security, sustainable livelihoods and strengthened disaster risk management capacities in SWS by 2023.
A robust SMS gateway that connects its SMS applications to all Somali telecommunications companies, using the service to have direct access to beneficiaries, attending to community needs.
The aim of the project is to create an innovative and suitable alternative to information sharing to the public integrating Radio and Telecom through the use of mobile phones.
Links Shaqodoon with the local business community, other potential employers and encourages youth to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture through entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
Provide ICT training to youth in disadvantaged positions. Establish Bits school in Hargeisa; recruitment and ongoing training of 96 hard to reach and at risk youth from Hargeisa IDP’s communities.
Recent Private Sector Development Projects
This project cultivated entrepreneurship culture by supporting sustainable youth employment, promoting entrepreneurship education, and engaging youth leading to job creation, economic growth, and youth empowerment.
Provide ICT training to youth in disadvantaged positions. Establish Bits school in Hargeisa; recruitment and ongoing training of 96 hard to reach and at risk youth from Hargeisa IDP’s communities.
Improve employability of disadvantaged and unemployed youth, including women, in renewable energy sector as well as promoting green technologies for addressing the energy needs in Somalia.
Ensure that youth have access to safe spaces where they can realize their full potential as productive and independent agents of positive change in Somalia.
All Recent Projects
The project aims to strengthen preparedness, enhance early action capabilities, and build climate resilience among pastoral, agro-pastoral, and displaced communities. It includes designing effective EWS, implementing anticipatory action plans, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices that improve food security and social cohesion.
This project aims to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable households by focusing on sustainable agricultural practices, better market integration, and enhanced disaster resilience. The initiative includes developing the MDALAG, increasing access to agricultural inputs, and providing training on climate-resilient practices.
The project aims to enhance the resilience of displacement-affected communities in Burao and adjacent locations in Somaliland. The primary goal is to provide durable solutions for internally displaced people (IDP) and host communities by strengthening their ability to manage disasters, improve access to basic services, increase livelihood opportunities, and support social integration.
Through collaboration with women and youth associations, the project seeks to foster leadership skills and engagement in addressing inter-communal tensions, enhancing mutual understanding, and promoting peaceful coexistence.
The motorcycle project implemented by Shaqodoon Organization and Oxfam Novib sought to promote safe motorcycle riding practices and improve the efficiency of delivery systems through the use of mobile-based technology, positively impacting the livelihoods of the participants and their families by creating sustainable employment opportunities for them.
The Waaheen Project worked to identify needy businesses, transferred grant funds, and established a dedicated hotline for business support. These activities have had a significant impact on the growth and development of the supported businesses, contributing to the local economy's overall progress.
Build peace and stability in Somalia by improving opportunities for youth to engage in peace-building, skills development, income-generation, entrepreneurship, sports and culture.
Contribute to the resilience vulnerable Somali people, through enhanced food security, sustainable livelihoods and strengthened disaster risk management capacities in SWS by 2023.
Focus on building the entrepreneurial and business skills of the youth in the cross-border area, which are necessary for establishing and running their businesses.
A robust SMS gateway that connects its SMS applications to all Somali telecommunications companies, using the service to have direct access to beneficiaries, attending to community needs.
The aim of the project is to create an innovative and suitable alternative to information sharing to the public integrating Radio and Telecom through the use of mobile phones.
Somali Youth Initiative (SYI) Expanding Opportunities for Somali youth through Entrepreneurship” - also known as “Youth Enterprise Initiative” (YEI).
Links Shaqodoon with the local business community, other potential employers and encourages youth to inculcate an entrepreneurial culture through entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
This project cultivated entrepreneurship culture by supporting sustainable youth employment, promoting entrepreneurship education, and engaging youth leading to job creation, economic growth, and youth empowerment.
Supports young people by providing the foundational skills and access to employment and entrepreneurship opportunities that focus on soft skills and providing initial work experience.
Provide ICT training to youth in disadvantaged positions. Establish Bits school in Hargeisa; recruitment and ongoing training of 96 hard to reach and at risk youth from Hargeisa IDP’s communities.
As a result the Stability Fund set-up in partnership with Shaqodoon SMS and voice beneficiary feedback system in order to solicit targeted feedback from beneficiaries and the community.
Empower Somaliland youth through strengthened livelihood and employment skills, access to wage and self-employment opportunities and youth network activities.
Use SMS-based platform to connect young people directly with jobs, internships and training opportunities, while around 300 private sector employers will participate in an employment platform.
Sustainably improve food security and livelihoods and build resilience among vulnerable households and their communities in Somaliland and Puntland.
Improve employability of disadvantaged and unemployed youth, including women, in renewable energy sector as well as promoting green technologies for addressing the energy needs in Somalia.
The Somaliland government through support from World Bank has been trying to establish a One-Stop-Shop for business registration to make the process of registration seamless.
A COVID-19 call centre in Hargeisa providing a two-way communication system is encouraging the community to engage and call the centre whenever they need any information or feel sick.
Ensure that youth have access to safe spaces where they can realize their full potential as productive and independent agents of positive change in Somalia.
SMS/IVR Feedback Service. To hear the voices of beneficiaries using a toll free three digital number connected to all Telecommunication companies in Somalia.
Consultancy is to set up the first two vocational training courses at the Centre, which are appropriate to existing livelihoods opportunities in the area of foreseen reintegration of defectors.
Promote accountability and transparency in governance and developmental agencies to meet the needs of communities especially those that are hard to reach.
Somaliland’s nascent democracy has seen successes and failures. The system was designed to add value to the democratic process by providing a mobile service were voters can air their concerns.