Resources & Downloads

Resources, Research, Downloads, and Other Assets

This is our asset and download library - if you’re looking for a document and you don’t see it here, reach out to us by email or phone, and we’ll be sure to help you find what you’re looking for.

Articles and Research

Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit

This Gender Mainstreaming Toolkit was created in December 2020 for use by the staff, management and consultants working with SOS, Shaqodoon, and HarHub. The practical guidance, tools, tips, information, and resources are intended to support the achievement of gender mainstreaming across these organizations and the programs they implement. It is not intended to be exhaustive; rather it offers a starting point for incorporating gender considerations in specific areas within these organizations.

Brand Guidelines

As we celebrate out 10th anniversary, we are proud to showcase a refresh to the Shaqodoon Organization brand. As we continue to increase our reach through meaningful partnerships, our brand will allow beneficiaries and partners to recognize our work instantly. If you have any questions about how to use our brand, please reach out to us directly at

Looking for more?

Please reach out to us at if you have more questions or would like more details on our programs. We look forward to working with you to continue building a strong and innovative economy across Somalia/land.