Boosting Community Initiatives: Shaqodoon's Training Program in Burao

From July 18th to 19th, 2024, Shaqodoon, in collaboration with CARE International, successfully conducted a comprehensive training program for key community development teams from Qoryaale, Qoyta, and Suuqsada. This training was a crucial component of the BREACH Project, funded by the European Union through SomReP.

Held at the Daalo Hotel in Burao, the training aimed to enhance the skills of the participants in accountable and transparent project management, account management, and financial governance for community contributions to Contingency Plans and Community Action and Accountability Plans (CAAPs). A total of 32 participants attended the training, representing a diverse and inclusive group from the three districts.

The training sessions covered essential topics, including the use of the Bulshokaab crowdfunding platform, which plays a significant role in promoting transparency and accountability within community projects. Participants gained valuable insights into the platform’s features and benefits, which are crucial for managing and supporting community-led initiatives.

Additionally, three community mobilizers were identified and hired from the committee members. These mobilizers will work closely with Shaqodoon and the local communities to organize fundraising events and implement the crowdfunding activities effectively.

A comprehensive communication plan was also developed to support the social media campaign for the crowdfunding initiatives. Informative stickers were designed to provide detailed information about the projects, costs, and target amounts, ensuring the community members have the necessary information to participate in and support the fundraising efforts.

The training program aligns with the BREACH Project’s objectives to create opportunities for IDPs and refugee returnees to participate in public affairs and decision-making processes, enhance access to basic services, and link communities to local governments. These activities are crucial for building community resilience and promoting sustainable development.

The successful training in Burao marks a significant step forward in driving community-led development and self-reliance in the region. The upcoming crowdfunding campaigns will support three crucial initiatives: road rehabilitation in Suuqsade, and floods management protection projects in Qoyta and Qoryaale. These projects aim to improve infrastructure and environmental resilience, reflecting the community's priorities and commitment to sustainable development.


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