Borama Leads the Charge: Youth Empowerment and Employment in Focus

24th February 2024. In the heart of Borama, the vibrant summit provided an enriching platform for stakeholders, youth leaders, and change-makers to explore and promote innovation in various fields across Somaliland. Organized with the purpose of empowering youth and fostering economic growth, the Borama leg of the Somaliland Innovations and Cultural Week Summit aimed to bring together a diverse array of participants to celebrate creativity, technology, and sustainable development.

Introduction and Objectives:

The event’s primary goals were to nurture a culture of innovation among youth, equip them with vital skills, and build collaborative networks to promote inclusive growth. Leaders emphasized the value of such gatherings in bridging skill gaps and helping young people tap into emerging opportunities. Before the main event, a two-day intensive training prepared participants with the skills and mindset needed for impactful participation. Workshops on digital skills, entrepreneurship, and employability helped refine their approach to challenges. Trainees were guided through practical sessions that encouraged problem-solving, teamwork, and effective communication.

Main Event:

The main event brought together distinguished guests, including representatives from local government, NGOs, the private sector, and youth organizations.

Keynote Addresses:

Speakers highlighted the critical importance of youth empowerment, skill development, and collaboration across sectors to unlock the potential of the next generation. Government officials present at the summit event gave inspiring keynote speeches, emphasizing from the Borama Municipality the critical role of innovation in driving progress and prosperity in Somaliland. They highlighted the importance of fostering green skills, harnessing artificial intelligence, and promoting freelancing as avenues for economic growth and sustainability. The representative acknowledged the pivotal role of initiatives like the Somaliland Innovations and Cultural Week in fostering creativity and entrepreneurship, committing to support endeavors that create an enabling environment for innovation, including green skills development and the integration of AI technologies. Additionally, The Director of Ministry of Youth and Sport in Awdal region recognized the significance of empowering youth through innovation, urging all participants to seize the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of the region, particularly in areas such as AI development and freelancing. Likewise, From the Governor’s Office, officials affirmed the crucial role of innovation in addressing community challenges, commending organizations like Shaqodoon and Borama Innovation Hub for promoting entrepreneurship, including freelancing opportunities. They called for collective efforts to harness the potential of youth and drive positive change in Somaliland, leveraging green skills and AI advancements for sustainable development.

Panel Discussions and Workshops:

Thought-provoking panel discussions covered topics such as leveraging technology for job creation, building sustainable businesses, and empowering women in tech. Interactive workshops gave participants a chance to apply new skills and network with experts.

  1. Freelancing and Digital Work: A panel of successful freelancers and industry experts discussed how digital platforms are transforming traditional work, allowing young people to connect globally and provide services beyond local borders.

  2. Artificial Intelligence and Future Skills: Specialists in AI provided insights into how emerging technologies impact employment. They encouraged participants to explore career opportunities in AI-related fields, sharing resources and strategies for getting started.

  3. Green Skills and Sustainability: Presenters outlined the potential of the green economy in Somaliland. They highlighted innovative ways to combine environmental conservation with entrepreneurship, such as sustainable agriculture and renewable energy projects.

Networking and Showcases:

Participants showcased innovative projects addressing local challenges, inspiring their peers. The exhibition allowed for fruitful networking between startups, investors, and organizations.

Event Outcomes:

The Borama Innovation Week achieved significant outcomes:

  1. Skill Development: The training and workshops left participants better equipped to navigate the modern workforce, particularly in tech and entrepreneurship.

  2. Networking: Attendees expanded their professional networks and identified potential mentors, collaborators, and investors.

  3. Inspiration: Inspirational stories from speakers and showcased projects motivated participants to pursue their innovative ideas further.

The successful Borama event emphasized the promise of collaboration in fostering youth-led innovation. It concluded with renewed optimism about the future, leaving participants eager to apply their newfound skills and connections to shape a brighter, more inclusive Somaliland.


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