Fadxa Beats the Odds
When her graduation was approaching, Fadxa was greatly concerned the widespread unemployment which previously graduated students experienced. Her older siblings were still unemployed years after they completed the study, not only degree but also masters study. The circumstance was thus undeniable--giving her a good reason to justify her concern---expecting her to be unemployed similarly as her siblings, not becoming naïve to distinguish from them. Despite this, the graduating students were naively hopeful of getting a white collar job relevant to their education background. Due to a weak economy, few graduates realize that dream, with almost 94% ending up unemployed years after the graduation. Consequently, this entails discouragement, losing the faith in the education--many of them hardly convinced the advantage of the education. the limited job openings aggravated the situation and market already had already been saturated, students graduating excessively supplied.
Her academic achievement gave her a hope of expecting the university of Bossaso (UOB) would provide her a job opportunity. Secondly, she was naively believing in her ability, hopefully predicting to get a job, especially if the recruitment process is fair and transparent. Fadxa was among 30 students who were provided an internship opportunity and was placed in Modern management department of UOB, assuming the position of the administrative assistant. She was pleased the administrative assistant job that was offered her after completing the internship, but the desirability and relevance of the new position to her major, accountant, remains often questionable. She was unsure if she would get the job without working as intern with the team in the modern management department, her attitude and commitment easily becoming known. In other words, the lecturers knew only her academic performance and conduct in the class. However, no one knew enough about her attitudes, attributes, and interpersonal skills, especially when different persons had to be engaged. She said when an employee had to deliver results, the education is a critical component, but it is not the only deciding factor to perform well-- other factors, the culture and interpersonal relationship, play significantly to deliver the results. She learnt these lessons during the internship as well as experience required to deliver the described roles and responsibilities.
She was pleased with the current role and was not in a position to make choices over which job to take or decline as unemployment is a widespread phenomenon in Puntland. She works now fulltime, eight hours a day, entirely her life had never happened sitting in one place in eight hours. Since she recently begun the job, she did not feel many changes in her financial situation, hopefully that will happen in the near future.
Name: Fadxa
Program: LEAD program