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Riding Out Of Unemployment

Increasing the economic opportunities of disadvantaged youth through financing, equipping them with motorcycles, technical skills training, and leveraging mobile-based technology to simplify delivery systems by connecting motorbike riders, e-commerce platforms and clients. 

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News, Stories of Change Guest User News, Stories of Change Guest User

Waheen Market Relief

As an immediate response to the market incident, Shaqodoon in collaboration with Oxfam came up with an idea of supporting 80 micro business owners and street vendors (at least 60% women) with grants, on-site and one-to-one business skills training and mentorship to revitalize their livelihood means followed by a psychosocial support to help victims heal from the fire tragedy and facilitate to relaunch their businesses successfully. This timely support contributed affected households reclaiming their livelihoods, while at the same time contributing to the reactivation of market activities.

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News, Stories of Change Guest User News, Stories of Change Guest User

Crowdfunding Helped Me Kick-Start My Business

“In March 2020, I saw the business investment and training opportunity, The Next Economy program advertised by Shaqodoon on social media and I applied. Fortunately, my business idea was shortlisted, and I came to Shaqodoon to attend the interview. I was selected for the life skill training opportunity.” “I then underwent a two-month entrepreneurship training that gave me the knowledge to not only understand the business approach, but how to also brainstorm innovative ideas with income generating capacity.”

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News, Stories of Change Guest User News, Stories of Change Guest User

Fadxa Beats the Odds

Fadxa’s academic achievement gave her a hope of expecting the university of Bossaso (UOB) would provide her a job opportunity. She was naively believing in her ability, hopefully predicting to get a job, especially if the recruitment process is fair and transparent. Fadxa was among 30 students who were provided an internship opportunity and was placed in Modern management department of UOB, assuming the position of the administrative assistant. She was pleased the administrative assistant job that was offered her after completing the internship.

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News, Stories of Change Guest User News, Stories of Change Guest User

Abdullahi Gains Independence

Organisations or institutions’ recruitment culture contribute largely to the overall challenges of getting jobs through qualifications, consequently relying job seekers on personal connections and powerful and influential persons, even though the candidates are more competent and willing to compete for vacancies. Job seekers lost the trust in a formal recruitment process or applying vacancies unless the employers are personally known or someone in the job seekers’ network knows them. “My greatest worry was about job openings that are not openly announced, and an employment based on a recommendation, mainly through personal and family connections” Abdullahi stated.

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