AART: Anticipatory Action & Climate Resilience along Transhumance Corridors in Somalia
The project aims to strengthen preparedness, enhance early action capabilities, and build climate resilience among pastoral, agro-pastoral, and displaced communities. It includes designing effective EWS, implementing anticipatory action plans, and promoting sustainable agricultural practices that improve food security and social cohesion.
RFSS: Riverine & Pastoral Food System Strengthening
This project aims to improve the livelihoods of vulnerable households by focusing on sustainable agricultural practices, better market integration, and enhanced disaster resilience. The initiative includes developing the MDALAG, increasing access to agricultural inputs, and providing training on climate-resilient practices.
BREACH: Boosting Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change
The project aims to enhance the resilience of displacement-affected communities in Burao and adjacent locations in Somaliland. The primary goal is to provide durable solutions for internally displaced people (IDP) and host communities by strengthening their ability to manage disasters, improve access to basic services, increase livelihood opportunities, and support social integration.
SomReP: Consolidating Resilience Gains in Somalia
Contribute to the resilience vulnerable Somali people, through enhanced food security, sustainable livelihoods and strengthened disaster risk management capacities in SWS by 2023.
One-Stop–Shop (OSS) Centers
Use SMS-based platform to connect young people directly with jobs, internships and training opportunities, while around 300 private sector employers will participate in an employment platform.
Growth Enterprise, Employment and Livelihoods (GEEL)
Ensure that youth have access to safe spaces where they can realize their full potential as productive and independent agents of positive change in Somalia.